North America -
California, West Texas, South Texas, Oklahoma
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ConsultantsDesign of a novel flooding system for an oil-wet central Texas carbonate reservoir, 1995, Sinnokrot, Ali, SPE/DOE (Tulsa, OK., April, ).
Simulataneous solution of multiphase reservoir flow equations, 1970 with H.L. Stone and T.V. Kwan, Soc. Of Petroleum Engineers Journal. 10:99-110.
Formation resistivity variation due to steam flooding: a log study. 1992, R.P. Ranganyaki, S.E. Akturk and S.M. Fryer, Geophysics 57: 488-494
Surface to borehole electromagnetic logging for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) Aapplications. 1990, Wilt, M., and R. P. Ranganyaki, SEG 60th Annual International Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Time-lapse crosswell seismic tomogram interpretation: implications for heavy oil reservoir characterization, thermal recovery process monitory and tomographic imaging technology. 1995, Mathisen, M.E., J.H. Justice, A.A. Vassiliou, P.S. Cunningham, J. Shaw, Geophysics 60:631-650.
Crosswell seismic radial survey tomograms and the 3-D interpretation of a heavy oil steamflood. 1995, Mathisen, M.E., P. Cunningham, J. Shaw, A.A. Vassiliou, J.H. Justice and N.J. Guinzy, Geophysics 60:651-659.
Acoustic tomography in reservoir surveillance, Justice, J.H., A.A. Vassiliou, M.E. Mathisen, S. Singh, P.S. Cunningham, P.R. Hutt, 1992, In Reservoir Geophysics, SEG Investigations in Geophysics 7:321-334.
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