Texas, Northwest Europe
Complete consultant profiles/services listed under Consultants
Mark Mathisen has over 15 years of industry research and operations experience. Prior to the formation of Sound Energy he worked with Mobil for 14 years on the development of geologic and seismic reservoir modeling and interpretation technologies for both exploration and production. During 1994-95 he led Mobil's horizontal well geoscience data and interpretation research project and authored the company's desktop reference entitled "Horizontal well Geoscience Data/Interpretation in the Planning, Drilling, and Post-Drilling Evaluation of Horizontal Wells". He has a Ph.D. in Geology and has published numerous papers on reservoir geoscience technology.
Bob Maute has 16 years of open hole, cased hole and production log interpretation experience with both Mobil and ARAMCO. He has worked on the development of horizontal logging programs as well as horizontal well openhole and production log interpretation. He holds a Ph.D. in Experimental Nuclear Physics from Ohio State University.
Geoscience technology in the planning, drilling and post-drilling evaluation of horizontal wells, 1995, Mathisen, M.E., 7th Internat. Horizontal Well Conf. Proceedings, Paper 8, Nov. 6-8, Houston, TX, 62pp.
Coring and core data in the planning and evaluation of horizontal wells, 1997, Mathisen, M.E., Paper presented at the PNEC 9th International Conference on Horizontal Well Technology and Applications, Houston, Texas August 25-27,1997.
www.soundenergy.com |
4544 Catina Lane, Dallas, TX 75229 Tel. (214) 902-0781, Fax (214) 902-0781 *51 email mathisen@soundenergy.com |
[Regional Geology & Geophysics]
[Seismic Reservoir Interpretation]
[Reservoir Characterization]
[Field Development]
[Reservoir Management]
[Horizontal Wells]
[Property Evaluation]